PG Char’s Zaku II part 4

SAM_9958The plastic for these parts has a dark blue tint to it. I like the idea of some blue on the kit as it will contrast nicely with the red/orange/pink tones of the main armour. I painted all these parts Tamiya gun metal, and then over-coated all but the base of the feet with some Createx transparent blue. I used the Tamiya Weathering Master light gun metal to add accents to the blue, covering everything with some Finish to stop it smudging. SAM_9959 These foot skeleton pieces were also painted with the Tamiya gun metal, and proved a little harder to assemble than I thought. The main polycap was a very right fit and didn’t quite want to fit, but with a little time and care it finally came together.SAM_9960 Adding the pieces together we can start to see how the colour scheme is going to work. I’m not that impressed with the design of the feet as they seem weak compared to the other PG feet, although the look of them is fine.SAM_9961 I’m still painting the booster for the foot, and that will follow along soon.SAM_9962 Adding in the front foot section…SAM_9963…to show a mostly complete foot.


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