Tag Archives: Armored Messiah
VF-25F 1/72 Armored Messiah Alto Custom
I'm trying out some different lights on these shots. I wish I had somewhere I could permanently set up the right lights and backdrop, but at the moment I'm still just using the projector screen for the smooth white backdrop.So here's the Armored Messiah in Gerwalk … Continue Reading ››
VF-25F 1/72 Armored Messiah Alto Custom part 6
There's only a few parts left to paint, so assembly can really begin. I'm taking it very carefully though and not rushing.This section went together quite well, but the clip on arm that hold the neck and head just keeps popping off. I don't think that … Continue Reading ››
VF-25F 1/72 Armored Messiah Alto Custom part 5
I started on some more of the sub-assemblies. Due to the vast amount of tricky decals, there's no way I can wait until the end to do them. Even the instructions advise doing some of the decals during assembly as you'd not be able to properly fit them afterwards.Continue Reading ››
VF-25F 1/72 Armored Messiah Alto Custom part 4
Now that a good number of the pieces have been painted, I can begin some of the assemblies.This front of the plane section went together quite well. I had to re-paint the nose-cone white and it came out a bit whiter than the rest of the … Continue Reading ››
VF-25F 1/72 Armored Messiah Alto Custom part 3
Because these armour parts are all dark blue, it made little sense to do a black panel line wash that would never be seen. My experience recently, especially with Sazabi is that a white panel line wash can look really attractive in these situations.For the white … Continue Reading ››
VF-25F 1/72 Armored Messiah Alto Custom part 2
For the dark blue pieces, I've started with a good layer of Tamiya gunmetal. Sometimes this paint comes out bright, other times dark. I guess it's a factor on how well the bottle is mixed. This bottle came out bright, but not worries! These leg pieces have … Continue Reading ››
VF-25F 1/72 Armored Messiah Alto Custom part 1
I've had this kit since June last year, just sitting on my shelf waiting and waiting and waiting.... I'd previously built the VF-1 and had a bad time of it. I'm reliably informed the Macross Frontier kits are better, so I thought it time to give it a go.Continue Reading ››