I took this photos a while back in progress on Hi-Nu. I really like the Createx pearl blue colour. It's not the strongest of paints, so all pieces got healthy coats of Future Finish to protect them.Continue Reading ››
This kit has waited patiently to be built. It's had to wait because first I had to track down the P-Bandai expansion pack, and I was lucky to get help there from a Japanese friend. And then I got hold of the metal parts pack.
And then … Continue Reading ››
The MG Gouf has been a fun build. The Vallejo chipping Medium has been reasonably successful, and it's made for a much quicker weathering recipe than doing it all with oil paints. Once I was happy with the chipping I started work with the oil paints. Having … Continue Reading ››
Now onwards to see how the chipping medium is going to work!I want to "chip" in-situ to guide the placement along visible or proud edges, and also to bias the outer sides of pieces or where the armour would rub.
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Ok, time to blog again! Following on from the chipping medium experiments, I'm going to try them on an MG Gouf.
For the frame, I'm not doing anything different than usual. I've used Tamiya gunmetal as the base, and Alclad polished aluminium on top, with hand painted … Continue Reading ››
I'm trying out an Amazon Basics photo light box rather than try to set up lights and a backdrop to take photos of the models. Photos taken in 8k with a RED Weapon S35 8k camera, and developed with IPP2 image processing. Only adjustment to the raw is to set the white balance to accurately … Continue Reading ››
Last time we left the MG Zeong with only a few more parts to complete.The thrusters assembled easily and look fantastic because of how they're made. I really like it when parts are separated like this to allow for easy detailing. Continue Reading ››
MG Zeong has been in my backlog for ages, so it's great to finally get to build it. It's an older MG, which you can tell by how many screws you have to use to assemble it!The box is large with great artwork. I loved the design … Continue Reading ››
Onwards with the weathering process I've been in and removed a lot of the oil paint. One thing I find really helpful is taking photos when I blog and viewing them to see how an effect looks.Now we're seeing the texture from the Vallejo steel pain much … Continue Reading ››
Turn-X is progressing well, and I'm going to go into detail on the oil paint process with this post.The first stage is to do some chipping, and to add some texture with Vallejo natural steel paint. This paint is very thick and I've not had much luck … Continue Reading ››