Now onto the PG I've so long waited to build. Why wait so long? Partly because I wanted to do this kit justice, and partly as I wanted a good concept for the paint job.The box is massive.... Continue Reading ››
Eating into my kit backlog one kit at a time. The 00 Raiser has been on the shelf for quite a while and now its turn has come...
Starting with the massive box, I'd previously opened it just to have a look at the GN Drives.Continue Reading ››
Moving onto the legs, they're a beauty!I really like the clean details and construction, and the colour scheme is working well. Moving on to the white armour pieces, they all started with a good undercoat of Alclad … Continue Reading ››
With most of the frame done in Tamiya gunmetal, we can move onto assembly.I added some shadows in Tamiya smoke. It's subtle, but looks pretty good.
The yellow pieces were Tamiya lemon, with Tamiya clear over the top. … Continue Reading ››
This kit has been waiting a fair while to be built. But even before I bought it, I'd been waiting a while since I first saw it and knew it had to be part of my collection.
Such an unassuming box for such a classic kit.Continue Reading ››
Time to look at paint for Kshatriya. I wanted to go with a more subdued green (for the most part) and to use Tamiya paints (thinned with lacquer thinner) as they're stronger than the Createx pearl green that I used on the Elyn Kshatriya. Here's the paint … Continue Reading ››
I took this photos a while back in progress on Hi-Nu. I really like the Createx pearl blue colour. It's not the strongest of paints, so all pieces got healthy coats of Future Finish to protect them.Continue Reading ››
The MG Gouf has been a fun build. The Vallejo chipping Medium has been reasonably successful, and it's made for a much quicker weathering recipe than doing it all with oil paints. Once I was happy with the chipping I started work with the oil paints. Having … Continue Reading ››
Now onwards to see how the chipping medium is going to work!I want to "chip" in-situ to guide the placement along visible or proud edges, and also to bias the outer sides of pieces or where the armour would rub.
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Ok, time to blog again! Following on from the chipping medium experiments, I'm going to try them on an MG Gouf.
For the frame, I'm not doing anything different than usual. I've used Tamiya gunmetal as the base, and Alclad polished aluminium on top, with hand painted … Continue Reading ››